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Preview Seattle Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Workshop (1) A small entrepreneur experience sharin

Updated: Apr 23, 2019


The Seattle Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge sponsored by the Seattle Entrepreneurship Club(SEC) is in hot registration. In order to help the youth entrepreneurship to participate in the competition, SECwill hold a series of Workshops to enhance the project execution ability, speech ability and leadership of the participants ability. We hope that all students who participate in the Entrepreneurship Challenge and Workshop will gain valuable experience.

On Friday, we were fortunate to have invited little entrepreneur Belle Pan to share her experience and experience in the Entrepreneurship Competition. In October 2016, Belle won the first place in the SVP (Social Venture Partners) Fast Pitch Seattle Regional High School.

If you want to cultivate your child's entrepreneurial and innovative thinking from an early age, develop your child's ability to find problems and solve problems, and develop your child's ability to communicate and lead, then sign up for this event and the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge!

If you would like more information on the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge, please click;

Belle Pan, Primary Innovator

Belle Pan is currently a 15-year-old 10th grade student at the Lakeside School. Belle has a strong passion in science and a love of science fiction, and is also a varsity coxswain in Lakeside Rowing team.

Belle's project proposal, iRummage won 1st in the High School track of the SVP Fastpitch 2016 competition, and Belle became the Youngest winner in SVP Seattle's history. Belle is featured in a GeekWire article ( And also on local King5 news (

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